søndag den 4. oktober 2009

Stars and flowers on my mind

Well....turns out I wasn't really on my feet again, but hopefully I am now.
I haven't had much tatting time the last couple of weeks. I've been trying to figure out how to draw patterns (thanks so much to Sharon's design course! :D), and I've been working on a gift to the daughter of a friend of mine. She is a young wiccan and I promised to make (yet another) bag, this time for her. I've been working on how to create a nice looking pentagram. It took some tries but I am happy with the end result now.

I'm nearly done with a matching edge (same green / pink flowers), but haven't decided on the bag design yet. :( I would really like to do something different than the usual pouch, and I can't wait much longer to decide. The bag needs to be done thursday at the latest! =:-o

2 kommentarer:

  1. I think this is beautiful!!! Is it your own design?
    Your tatting is wonderful and uses so much imagination as well. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. Oh, just saw your comment now. The pentagram is my own design, but the flowers are from an edging in an old book I adapted, so it fit with the pentagram. I made it for my friend's daughter, who wanted to be initiated as a Wiccan, which made the pentagram a natural choice. And she loves pink and is very girlish, so I thought some flowers would be good too.
