onsdag den 18. november 2009

An angry wolf and a swine was having fun...

No, it's not  from a fable. It's just my lupus acting up and me, being so stupid as to get the swine flu vaccination on top of it. Too late I found out, that the doctor only had the vaccination with the immune system booster, which is kinda bad when you actually try to supress the immune system all that you can. :P It will probably take a while before I'm back on track again.

4 kommentarer:

  1. God bedring, jeg håber du snart er på benene igen.

  2. Den kombinasjonen høres ikke bra ut. Sender "bli frisk" tanker fra nord.

    God bedring!

  3. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. A very late thanks for your nice comments. <3
