lørdag den 20. marts 2010

How impatient can you be?

The syrup is hardly dry, but I never were a patient person. :P Here is the Easter Egg. As you can see, the leaves badly needs to be reworked. I'm not quite sure what to do about them, but I count on my muse to visit me in my dreams tonight.

I still think the stem is ok'ish. The problem with the leaves is that the end of the leaf can't really get that pointy as I want it to be, and as you tat it's very floppy unless you can attach them several places. As you can see I tried attaching the right one (the first I made) twice on the stem, but it just looks bad. I also wanted to have some width in the leaves, but that didn't really work either. Hmm...Oh muse, ascend!

1 kommentar:

  1. The egg really looks great. I am sure the muse will visit and you'll come up with a good solution for the leaves.
